Tuesday Dec 13, 2022

Financial education and letting your money work for you - Varun Rana

Varun Rana is an IT engineer, a father and a property investor based in Melbourne. With no financial education, he started his journey in real estate buying a negatively geared property in the hopes of saving on tax. After realizing he had not made the best decision, he decided to get educated and started to develop his financial mindset. Nowadays, he’s building an investment portfolio for his wife and two kids along with Sanjeev’s help. In this episode of Property Uncovered, we cover how positive gearing allows you to grow your investments further, how bring your family on board with your investments, or what are some ways to expedite your progress towards financial freedom.



(00:00) Intro

(00:52) Beginnings in real estate and buying a negatively-geared property

(04:39) The opportunity cost of not having financial education

(10:12) Leveraging debt and pursuing financial freedom

(14:27) Bringing your family on board

(18:05) Educating his children and contributing to his environment

(22:10) Take the shortcut by relying on experts

(27:28) Final words from Varun

(31:23) Outro


-- QUOTES --

- “Education is the first step [...] But if you are educated and not taking action it is the same as if you weren’t educated.”


- “My parents are great and I love them, but they never gave me financial education. So I want to give that to my kids.”


- “You want to take the shortcut. Why do you want to do things the hard way in life? If I can save ten years of my life, so be it, why not?”


“I’m building this not because I’m a very materialistic person or want bigger things. I just want finances taken care of so I can do the things I want to do in life.”



💼 LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/varun-rana



💼 LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/sahsanjeev



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