Tuesday Feb 27, 2024

How to Use Property Investment to Secure Financial Freedom - Karthik Achyutha Rao

Karthik's life entered a new chapter in 2017 when he and his family embarked on a journey from their homeland to the vibrant shores of Australia. They settled in Sydney in 2018, navigating the challenges of renting in a competitive housing market while building their careers. Seeing friends pursue home-ownership sparked a similar aspiration in Karthik. With stable jobs and a growing family, they embraced the future.


Karthik's journey reflects the opportunities that come with determination and hope in a new land. Today, he's settled, focused on his career, and a devoted family man. In this episode, Karthik shares insights on property investment and the importance of automatic saving and investing for long-term returns. 


Whether you're a novice investor or expanding your portfolio, Karthik's story promises inspiration and practical advice. Join Sanjeev in this episode of Property Uncovered to learn how making saving and investing an automatic part of your life can have multi-fold returns.




(00:00) Intro

(00:56) Introducing Guest Speaker Karthik

(05:42) Property Purchase: Seizing Opportunity with Low Interest Rates

(08:00) Budgeting and Seizing Opportunities

(10:29) Family: Learning about Equity and Investments

(14:45) Shared Philosophy: Seeking Comfortable Lifestyle through Investments

(18:15): Property Investment Conversations: Finding Confidence

(21:40) Skeptical Approach to Super Money Investment

(22:22) Navigating EMI, Rent, and Investments

(24:25) Understanding Self-Managed Super and Trusts

(28:17) Overcoming Initial Doubts and Fears

(31:50) Importance of Seeking Help and Taking Action

(34:20) Confidently Pursuing New Opportunities with Financial Backing

(38:23) Inspiring Story: Passion and Capital

(41:30) Start Investing. Cultivate Good Habits. Seek Guidance.

(44:04) Efficient Set-up of SMSF Account and Trust

(46:35) Advice: Please Invest for the Future

(54:00) Outro


-- QUOTES --

-“We knew that the interest rates wouldn't stay at one-ish percent forever, but at that point in time, it seemed very less. So we thought, hey, why not? This is the right time to invest.”


-"When you're earning, when you're in the prime of your life, when you're making a decent amount of money, you want to ensure that whatever you lead a comfortable lifestyle with it, of course, not squeeze it, but at the same time also ensure that the money grows, because you never know what other expenses might come up in future."


-“We realized that investing through self-managed super seems much easier and safer than pulling equity from an investment property."


-“It's almost like entering the investment market again as a fresher from a different mindset. But all those discussions that we had with our accountant, with yourselves, with my mortgage broker, sort of clarified a lot of things in terms of it's not that bad because you set up your own trust, everything goes from the trust, and everything comes back to the trust.”


-“Back in Bangalore, when you want to buy something, you go look at it ten times, 15 times, look at multiple things there, and then make a decision whether you want to buy it or not.

Whereas here, you just know the address, you know, some people who have advised about it and, you know, some people are looking after it, and you are just interacting with these people on a property that you have literally virtually seen. Just a few photos and probably a video, a good 30-minute video that you had presented initially."


-“It's been a very satisfying experience, to be very honest. Like I said, there was one part of the fear of investing and borrowing so much from the banks because, again, the family comes from a traditional mindset of having in mind that borrowing is not good; borrowing is bad. So if you have borrowed, you repay it as soon as possible. That's the mindset that traditionally, we all come from.”


-“Coming here, trying to understand a different market, understanding how things work and how you can get the money to grow and still have the confidence that if something bad happens, you're always in a position to ensure that you are able to repay off whatever you're borrowed and still be comfortable. So it's a very satisfying feeling to actually have that. So all the fears have slowly gotten away.” 


-“The strategies that you sort of explain and put up give us the confidence that you don't have to have a huge capital to invest in the real estate market. And that's another myth that a lot of people have in their head, right? That you need to have a lot of capital to invest in the real estate market, which is not really the case.”



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